Are you over-weight or under-weight?

Are you over-weight or under-weight?

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My weight for my height has got absolutely nothing to do with it. As when I put weight on it all goes round my stomach, no where else.

So this brings up this question...

What is the correct weight for my height?

Is it fat round the waist but the correct weight to the text book.

Or is it like my doctor says. It depend on the person. As carrying fat isn't good for you in the long run.
I am the right weight for my height.

Guess running them 3 miles/day habit from my days in the Army helped, eh? :)
Overweight. It's because i like beer.
I'm just about right. Some how, I managed to end up 15 lighter after my pregnancy than I was before I got pregnant.....not sure how that happened...
I am overweight but not overfat. I weight train and do cardiovascular exercise 4 - 5 times a week. My diet consists of protein shakes, fruits, vegetables, lean beef and fish.


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Under-weight, my forearms are so skinny. I usually wear long sleeve clothes, I don't like to see my skinny arms.
im just right, considering i play sports i have to be in shape, im about 6'1 and weigh around 180 lbs


1kg = 2.2lbs
1lb = .45 kg
1 stone ( :wtf: ) = 14lbs

(1kg = the mass of a liter of water btw)
if one stone weighs 14 pounds (and i know it doesnt. ive thrown stones before:D)

i weigh....more than a scooter. :rofl:

I weigh about 20 stones and am 6'1" then, but it's not all fat. When I was in good shape for baseball in college, I weighed a touch under....16 stone. Just like the Bush's best album. (not George Bush!)
I weigh about 20 stones and am 6'1" then, but it's not all fat. When I was in good shape for baseball in college, I weighed a touch under....16 stone. Just like the Bush's best album. (not George Bush!)
for the life of me i cant figure out what you are saying. pounds please. what stones? :1orglaugh
for the life of me i cant figure out what you are saying. pounds please. what stones? :1orglaugh

:1orglaugh I only put it in stones because BNF posted the conversion factor! I weigh about 280 now, but in college I weighed about 223 and was in nice shape.
:1orglaugh I only put it in stones because BNF posted the conversion factor! I weigh about 280 now, but in college I weighed about 223 and was in nice shape.

and if bnf told you to jump off a cliff... :rofl:

i am fat. so fat. i weigh 200 and 100 of it be in my ego. :1orglaugh