"Men in Sheds" - The Bookbinder

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Based in the small seaside town of Hornsea in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England, Glenn Malkin is a successful and respected Bookbinder and the proprietor of Signature Bindings (see links below).
    Glenn’s Bindery is a large “shed” in the back garden of his house, from where he offers a broad range of quality bookbinding solutions to his clients from across the UK, Europe and beyond.
    A significant component of Glenn’s work is Design Binding; specialist, artistic bindings for competitions and private collections.
    Glenn has been a really good friend for over 40 years and, as a successor to “Men in Sheds - The Luthier”, my first “Men in Sheds” film (see link below), his bookbinding was a natural choice as my next film in the series.
    Filmed between March and August 2014, “Men in Sheds - The Bookbinder” displays the art and craft of the Design Bookbinder, by following Glenn and his binding of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Truman Capote, which was the set book for the Designer Bookbinders 2014 Bookbinding Competition in the UK.
    Whilst showing key aspects of the design and binding process, my primary intention for the film was to portray Glenn’s skill, experience and artistry as well as his dedication to, and passion for, his craft.
    I thank him for accommodating me and my requirements throughout the filming process. The project has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience from inception to completion and watching the creation of his work of art was fascinating and educational.
    I must also say a huge thank you to Forty-One/51 in South Carolina, USA for allowing me free-rein to use any of their fabulous music, however I wanted to use it. Although South Carolina and Hornsea are continents apart, the music perfectly suits the relaxed mood of the film. The story of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is set in 1940s New York but makes reference to Holly Golightly sitting on the apartment fire escape with her guitar, playing music hinting at where she came from, which is also a significant link. Please take the time to watch, listen to and enjoy Forty-One/51's own RUclips content and visit their Facebook page (links below).
    I hope you enjoy my film - please note that it is best viewed in 1080 HD.
    Glenn Malkin Design Bindings - www.glennmalkin...
    Signature Bindings - signaturebindin...
    Forty-One/51 - / fortyone51
    Forty-One/51 - / lelliottcox
    PHaTGRoB FiLMS - “Men in Sheds - The Luthier” - • "Men in Sheds" - The L...

Комментарии •

  • @49lucky
    @49lucky 4 года назад +152

    I love this I have finally at 71 found my niche. I'm bookbinding and learning like crazy. I'm making all my own wooden holders sewers everything my self which in it self is a great lol. Wish me luck

    • @luna-kiva
      @luna-kiva 4 года назад +5

      Good luck! What a wonderful craft to pursue.

    • @laz5590
      @laz5590 4 года назад +7

      I'm a little bit behind You by my 67 years , but definitely I wish you luck !☺

    • @lylediedrich8934
      @lylediedrich8934 3 года назад +6

      74 and I just started. Great hoppy for an old woodworker.

    • @paulcampey465
      @paulcampey465 3 года назад +7

      I'm 69 and have just started my first book and like you have made all my presses, sewing frames etc.

    • @joanofarc33
      @joanofarc33 3 года назад +6

      How old were you when you started? I am thinking of attending a two year course in binding if they will have me. I am a few years past 50. I have no carpentry skills so I won’t be making my own equipment.

  • @nashvillain171
    @nashvillain171 4 года назад +36

    *Sure wish there were more videos in this "Men in Sheds" series!*

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад +7

      Hi Nashvillain. Wow. I'm really pleased that you enjoyed my "Men in Sheds" films. Unfortunately, intensive work and other reasons over the past few years have intervened and prevented me from producing more. However, my intent is to get back into these films in the future as, people seem to like them and I thoroughly enjoy working with the men (and hopefully women) in their sheds, to show fantastic skills and crafts. Best regards. GRoB

    • @nashvillain171
      @nashvillain171 3 года назад +4

      @@grobbo64 Not only are they informative and entertaining, but it's great that you are documenting these crafts and the incredible work of the craftsmen. I'll certainly view any others that you post. Thanks for the reply!

  • @chaosncheckt9356
    @chaosncheckt9356 7 лет назад +3

    I use to live in Williamsburg VA and would frequently visit the Colonial Williamsburg section. There were many shops, artists, and craftsmen but the one that always fascinated me was the book binder. I would take my daughter and watch the craftsmen work the leather, sew the pages, etc. using only the tools they would have had available to them at the time. My daughter, a ginger always had tons of questions and one day one of the older craftsman asked if she would like him to make her book. She was beyond excitement and while yes Dad eventually had to pay for the book, she got a handcrafted beautiful book. By the time we had left, she had gotten two - one she uses to record special times in her life, the other is still wrapped as it was when the craftsman gave it to her. She's holding onto it for a special occasion. Watching these videos bring those memories back - hand crafted and bound books are a thing of beauty and the skill to create them is amazing.

  • @traviss4444
    @traviss4444 7 лет назад +3

    This is why i like you tube , watching craftsmen of a different trade to mine with a beer just being in awe

  • @jmsmorley
    @jmsmorley 4 месяца назад +2

    You know, I’ve watched a lot of videos on about every tradecraft out there. I can’t say I’ve never seen one that requires you to be good in all of them. Until I discovered traditional bookbinding. Holy cow

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад

      Hi. Thanks for watching our film and for taking the time to comment. As you say, bookbinding uses many crafts requiring a variety of skills and we're pleased that the film displays this. Best regards. GRoB

  • @andrewchurchley5705
    @andrewchurchley5705 7 лет назад +5

    Gentle humour, gentle craft. Compelling. Gentleman. Pity they don’t make TV like that.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  Год назад

      Thanks Andrew Churchley. Blimey! How did I miss your message from 5 years ago. Many apologies. Thanks for your lovely comments. We had fun whilst making this and I miss that I've not done any since. Maybe soon. Thanks again and best regards. GRoB

  • @benoitbonnier7309
    @benoitbonnier7309 7 лет назад +29

    Good afternoon sir, This is a very good video and I enjoyed every minute of it. I've worked 25 years in Bindery and have learn everything I know from my father which he worked all of his life. He retired from the business after 56 years of hard work. He was a mentor to me and I've learned a lot from him. Unfortunately, with the internet and all, bindery is a practice that is slowly dying, at least over here in Canada.
    My goal was to start doing a small workshop in my basement to repair books just like you shed in the back yard. But 7 years ago, my health deteriorated and I was forced to retirement and my dream never happen.
    After watching this video, it got my blood flowing again and I've started watching more videos on the art of book binding.
    I am looking to see if it would be still something that I could do. I am looking around and testing the market to see if there is still interest in a Book Binder.
    Again, thank you for your inspiration and great work.

  • @borisdorofeev5602
    @borisdorofeev5602 7 лет назад +7

    It feels great finding material like this on RUclips. Two people who truly enjoy what they do.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  Год назад

      Hi @borisdorofeev. Another one I've missed from years ago. Many apologies for that. Thanks for your lovely comments and, yes, we both enjoyed making this. Best regards. GRoB

  • @DANIEL-m3c9f
    @DANIEL-m3c9f Год назад +2

    I am so excited. I finally found my ditch. I'm 63 years old and then are you the best? I do have one question when you're done with a look like that. How much do you charge for it? I think that is the most beautiful book I have ever seen and being put together as well as you have put it together. My hat goes in the rain and you are a number one, please hit building more more. Thank you so much, can't wait to see you next. Exciting video, keep up the good work, the book builder.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад

      Hi. Thanks for watching and for such lovely comments. As you say, the book is truly beautiful, to look at and to handle. I can do that at any time, as I have the pleasure of being the book's custodian. You can view Glenn's designer bookbinding website - address listed in the video notes - where you will see the books that Glenn has for sale. As they are one-offs, you will see that they command a decent price but these naturally take into consideration the vast amount of love and work that has gone into these works of art. Regards. GRoB

  • @geoffcurtis9221
    @geoffcurtis9221 7 лет назад +2

    Best explanation of a very old skill that I have ever seen, and I was in the trade for 50 years.

    • @bookbindingtips
      @bookbindingtips 6 лет назад +1

      Wow, thanks Geoff! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  • @MCSEknight
    @MCSEknight 9 лет назад +55

    I started learning bookbinding about a year ago, and with no bindary near by, I've had to rely on buying books and instructional dvd's, the occasional long distance travel to meet with binders, and of course just diving in and working/experimenting. I've watched this particular video probably a dozen times and have picked up some invaluable tips and techniques. It will be a long time before I'm able to produce such a fine work of art as in this video, but I absolutely love the journey. Thanks to everyone involved in this video; Glenn, GRoB and staff!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  9 лет назад +4

      +MCSEknight I hope that you derive as much pleasure from your bookbinding as Glenn does. As other Bookbinders do, Glenn runs occasional bookbinding courses in Hull. I'm glad that our film has been useful and that you enjoyed it. Good luck with your own binding endeavours and best regards. GRoB

    • @adriananava5378
      @adriananava5378 4 года назад

      Thanks for the Video clip! Sorry for chiming in, I would love your thoughts. Have you researched - Mahorrla Wooden Paradise Method (probably on Google)? It is a smashing one off guide for building better sheds and woodworking without the hard work. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my friend Sam at last got great results with it.

    • @gabrielperez76
      @gabrielperez76 4 года назад

      Great video content! Excuse me for butting in, I would love your opinion. Have you tried - Mahorrla Wooden Paradise Method (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a great exclusive guide for building better sheds and woodworking minus the headache. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my buddy at last got astronomical results with it.

    • @robertphillips93
      @robertphillips93 4 года назад

      @@gabrielperez76 There are physical sheds and metaphorical ones -- I'd guess the title of this video refers to the shed as a place of creative construction.

  • @abacaixi
    @abacaixi 5 лет назад +8

    It's the 4th or 5th time I watch this video. This makes me happy and I can't explain why.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Matheus. This is fantastic and makes all the hard work worthwhile. Thanks for watching (multiple times) and for your fabulous comments. Take care. GRoB

  • @dionlindsay2
    @dionlindsay2 5 месяцев назад +1

    At 32:30 - what a reveal - that is beautiful!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад

      Hi. What a great comment! Thanks for watching and we're glad that you enjoyed our film. GRoB

  • @jenniferjaudon-otero5611
    @jenniferjaudon-otero5611 Год назад +2

    There is something beautiful about making something with your own two hands. Blessings to all of you who have watched this!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад

      Hi. Thanks for watching and taking the time to post a lovely comment. I agree and, to me, with no power tools being used, it's the sounds that I love when things are made by hand as much as the visual aspect. Best regards. GRoB

  • @pilartobala9901
    @pilartobala9901 2 года назад +1

    Your studio is lovely. Your work on leader is exeptional congratulaciones! I was a bookbinder . Bendiciones de México 🇲🇽!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад +1

      Hi Pilar. I'm sure that Glenn will be very pleased with your lovely comments. He now has another, even nicer Bindery next to his old one. All the best. GRoB

  • @kickinthegob
    @kickinthegob 2 года назад +1

    Absolutely wonderful. I have a machine shop and worked leather making sheaths. This is a field I would have loved to work in.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад

      Hi @kickinthegob. Thanks for watching and I'm glad that you enjoyed our film. It's great to hear from people who practice, or have practiced, other old skills. All the best. GRoB

  • @georgiewalker1069
    @georgiewalker1069 4 года назад +9

    I have found this video in October 2020, in the midst of the current world pandemic. I am a new bookbinder enthusiast and any examples are very valuable. What an incredible workshop. I am working on reconditioning vintage or used children’s books. It makes sense to get the essence of the story to help you choose papers and colors. Thanks so much from South Africa 🇿🇦💫Wow, wow and wow to the finished book

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Georgie. Sorry for the slow reply. Thanks for watching and taking time to comment on the film and your own work. What you're doing is great for children and adults alike. Who doesn't love the feel of a beautiful and well-bound book? Well done and may you continue for many years. All the best. GRoB.

    • @maurchesnyman3955
      @maurchesnyman3955 Год назад

      Hi from Cape Town

  • @IamGulzow
    @IamGulzow 3 года назад +1

    As a journeyman woodworker, chisel work is where I strive and fail, for now, to work delicately. The fact that this gem of a gent mocks that tool like it is a hatchet brings me a bunch of joy. Thread on you cheeky whippet.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi IamGulzow. As a person who also struggles with chisels, I loved his "technique" too! Thanks for watching. Cheers GRoB

  • @dionlindsay2
    @dionlindsay2 5 месяцев назад +2

    Wonderful video. But awww, Mr Malkin chose the boards between Chapters 1 and 2 and you didn't film it. I kept looking for that bit. No hassle, it's just that it's so good I'm committed to following the whole process. I even like we can see the other camera in play sometimes. You've both made something wonderful here - the book and the film of the book 🙂

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад +1

      Hi. Unfortunately, my life and work were 150 miles away and got in the way on quite a few occasions, with Glenn not always able to wait owing to creative deadlines. Sadly, as a result, certain key aspects were not able to be filmed. Glenn is a fantastic artist and bookbinder, but I didn't trust him with the filming on his own, as I needed to retain the 'look' of the footage. Thanks so much for your fabulous comments and I'm glad you liked to see the other camera on occasion. Best regards. GRoB

  • @benwhitworth8881
    @benwhitworth8881 4 года назад +5

    I've been bookbinding as a hobby for a couple of years, and watching this shows me how far I still have to go ... but it also inspires me to try and get there!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Ben. If this film inspires you, then both Glenn and I are extremely happy. All the best with your bookbinding and enjoy it. Best regards. GRoB

  • @joannoble4093
    @joannoble4093 4 года назад +2

    Best video I've ever seen about bookbinding. Great job!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Wow, Joan. Thanks for your great comments. It was a pleasure to make this film, as Glenn was so good to work with. At times I forgot I was supposed to be filming, as I got more engrossed in the bookbinding the the cameras!! If people like yourself enjoyed watching it, then that's a massive bonus! All the best. GRoB

  • @Archivvve
    @Archivvve 2 года назад +4

    I love this "no rush" filming. It allows to capture the amazing details of the work. BTW cover design would be great for many sci-fi books.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад +1

      Hi Pinio. Thanks for watching our film and we're glad that you enjoyed and appreciated its pace and style. I agree about the design. Best regards. GRoB

  • @TheFatPriest
    @TheFatPriest 9 лет назад +16

    Kettle stitch - I believe is from the German word Kettel, meaning a little chain, that is what they look like and in fact form on the edges of the book block
    Doublures - It sounds like Graham says "Why are they called the blurs?". They are "doubles" on the ends of the book. From the French this time.
    Fabulous film, great book. Thank you both.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  9 лет назад +1

      +thefatpriest Thanks for these Phillip. We're glad you enjoyed the film and Glenn's book which is a work of art. Glenn showed me your email to him and there were times when Glenn also looked slightly less relaxed than he is in the finished film! I should have done an out-takes film! Funny that your books are stamped in memory of your ginger cat, as one features so heavily in the book. Thanks for taking the time to watch, comment and email. All the best with your own bindings. GRoB.

  • @howbigisyourlove
    @howbigisyourlove 7 лет назад +4

    I've owned a multitude of leather bound books many years ago .. and my appreciation was mostly for the literature comprised .. wow, all i can say is this is art at its finest .. just remarkable workmanship.

  • @watrgrl2
    @watrgrl2 2 года назад +2

    There’s something about having a place all your own to go outside your house where you can play with your hobbies. It make’s me go all tingly and excited and gets my creative energy flowing. I think it harkens back to the feeling of having a playhouse when your a kid.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад

      Hi watrgrl2. It's true that a outside space is great when it comes to creativity and craft. Glenn's is his Bindery and mine is my garage. Thanks for watching and your great comments. Best regards. GRoB

  • @thorndaven5850
    @thorndaven5850 6 лет назад +2

    What a singularly beautiful book. I hope it won prizes at his competition. I would happy purchase such a remarkable copy of a great literary contribution. excellent work by Mr Malkin. Please continue with this 'Men in Sheds' series, it was wonderful to watch.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Thorn. Thanks for watching and posting your great comments. His book is stunning, as are all his bindings, but it didn't win at that year's competition. Thanks for your kind words about "Men in Sheds" but unfortunately, work and personal circumstances have conspired against me and no more films have been made since The Bookbinder. That said, I have ideas in the pipeline for more at some point. Best regards. GRoB

  • @kathrin4248
    @kathrin4248 4 года назад +2

    Wow, so many different techniques in this one video, amazing work - and as you can see, bookbinding takes time, you can't speed things up or the final result will suffer...a real work of art, the book is wonderful!!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Kathrin. Such fabulous comments. We are so pleased that this film has been received in such a positive and enthusiastic way by so many people including yourself. all the very best and thanks for watching. GRoB

  • @jameskarran5330
    @jameskarran5330 7 лет назад +1

    Beautiful, the book and the film. Thanks

  • @jamestom2510
    @jamestom2510 Год назад +2

    this is an amazing art form and skill.... absolutely love it.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад

      HI. Absolutely spot on. It was an honour to be able to watch Glenn directly whilst filming him. We're glad that you enjoyed watching the film and for taking to time to post your lovely comment. Regards. GRoB

  • @cohenboekrestauratie5197
    @cohenboekrestauratie5197 7 лет назад +1

    Wonderful demonstration of the enormous amount of work to make a special book.

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 7 лет назад

      Hi Cohen. I'm glad you enjoyed the film and, in spite of the film significantly compressing the hours and hours of work, you got a feel for the effort and time that goes into this craft. Thanks for watching and commenting. GRoB.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi Cohen. These designer binding are so special in both look and feel and I'm glad that the work involved in achieving this came across in the film. Thanks for watching. GRoB.

  • @davep5829
    @davep5829 7 лет назад +1

    Fascinating video. As somebody who worked in print for many years, I'm used to seeing books being bound at 5000/hour, so amazing to such time and skill put into one book.

  • @Booboonancy
    @Booboonancy 3 года назад +2

    This is incredible! This man is much more than a bookbinder, he is a an excellent artist/craftsman. Well done and I dare say it was spellbinding to watch 😉. Also, working with your hands ( and tools ) has got to be one of the best ways to reduce your stress and find serenity. Unless maybe if it is your bread and butter and you are working on a deadline. I knit, sew and embroider but I would absolutely love to have a little studio to work on such a project. In the meantime, I get my fix vicariously through YT. Thank you.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Nancy. Thanks for watching our film and taking the time to add your lovely comments. You're right that it was a joy to watch him working and we had good laugh at times too! Any craft like this is mindful and Glenn will tell you that he enjoys his vocation and his craft immensely. Best regards. GRoB

  • @barefootwomanacademy
    @barefootwomanacademy 4 года назад +2

    Such precision and accuracy. Beautiful work!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Taryn. He is a true craftsman and a perfectionist in everything that he does, not just bookbinding. Thanks for watching and such lovely comments. GRoB

  • @Vinrafel
    @Vinrafel 5 лет назад +2

    Brilliant video. I just got into bookbinding. Malkin is a true master of the art and I learned quite a bit just watching this. Brilliant stuff.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Vinrafel. Thanks for watching and I'm glad that you enjoyed it and drew some benefit from it. For us, that makes it all worthwhile. Enjoy your craft. GRoB

  • @8460437
    @8460437 7 лет назад

    Glenn is a master craftsman whose mastery of his discipline shines through his work. In Japan he would be deemed a national treasure. If the UK ever makes this designation he will be among the first to achieve it.

    • @bookbindingtips
      @bookbindingtips 7 лет назад

      What a lovely thing to say James - thank you!

  • @michellegardner4227
    @michellegardner4227 9 лет назад +3

    I loved this film. I am a beginning bookbinder and the ease with which this book went together is a mark of a true professional to be admired. The documentary is easy to watch and I felt as if I were there, which means the film maker has done a wonderful job too. Thank you for bringing this little jewel to us.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  9 лет назад +1

      +Michelle Gardner Hi MIchelle. I'm glad that's how the film came across to you, because it was the way I intended it to, as well as portraying Glenn's skill and ability. Thanks for watching and taking time to send your lovely comments. GRoB.

  • @FavioRamirez
    @FavioRamirez 8 лет назад +2

    wow. I was glued to the screen with my mouth open. Such commitment and dedication!

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 8 лет назад

      Hi Favio R. I'm glad that's how Glenn comes across, because that is him. Whatever he does is done in the same way. Thanks for your lovely comments. GRoB.

  • @nick.caffrey
    @nick.caffrey 7 лет назад +1

    Wonderful to see that real craft is still being produced. A beautiful book which I would love to have on my shelf!

  • @Rodatari
    @Rodatari 6 лет назад +1

    This was the first video I've seen when I started to make bookbindings. thank you for the inspiration, Glenn!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад +1

      Hi Rodrigo. Wow. Thanks for your great comments. It means lot to me that you found this film inspirational and it will to Glenn too. Good luck with your binding and thanks for watching and commenting. All the best. GRoB.

  • @squ1sh
    @squ1sh 4 года назад +2

    A few months ago I picked up bookbinding. I love watching what other people's little differences (or big) are. This is a great piece you made!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Per. That's the beauty of these creative crafts and skills. There's never only one way to do them and achieve a wonderful result. it's great that so many people are starting and enjoying what they do, like yourself. Thanks for watching and your lovely comments. GRoB

  • @blancabeatrizgarcia6632
    @blancabeatrizgarcia6632 2 года назад +2

    this video is wonderful

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад

      Wow. Thanks for your fab comment and we're glad that you enjoyed watching it. Makes it all worthwhile. Take care. GRoB

  • @stephenfewson7188
    @stephenfewson7188 7 лет назад

    Well shot and exquisitely explained. I had no idea!?

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Hi Stephen. I didn't either until Glenn started his bookbinding business. Thanks for your comments and I'm glad you enjoyed the film. Regards. GRoB.

  • @WithmjdPrinterCare
    @WithmjdPrinterCare Год назад +2

    i am book binder but i love this teacher and love this niche from pakistan . i love dear sir .

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад

      Hi. It is so lovely to know that this film is being watched the world over and that people from everywhere can see and enjoy Glenn's artistry and workmanship. Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment and all the best with your own bookbinding. Bets regards. GRoB

  • @YknotLearnall
    @YknotLearnall 8 лет назад +3

    Wow! I had no idea that much work went into book binding.
    I really like the "Men in Sheds" concept. I hope to see more in this series.

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 8 лет назад

      Hi Chase. Neither did I. It was an eyeopener for me as the filmmaker to. I am hoping to return with another "Men in Sheds" in the not-too-distant future, but am in early planning for slightly different film later this year. Thanks for your comments and all the best. GRoB.

  • @Graeme408
    @Graeme408 11 месяцев назад +3

    A PERFECT NAME “MEN IN SHEDS”. Love to work with my hands, in my shed.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 месяца назад

      Hi. I was hoping to continue the 'Men in Sheds' series because, like with yourself, the concept hit a chord. Unfortunately, work and life got in the way following this film. My present film project is a very different one about Telford's wonderful Holyhead Road through North Wales, which will take me to the end of 2025 to complete. However, after that, and 11 or so years after 'The Bookbinder' film, I may yet get back to produce another 'Men in Sheds'. Thanks for watching and commenting. GRoB.

    • @LElliottCox
      @LElliottCox Месяц назад +1

      You're right, it's a perfect name for a perfect series. Here's to Grob finding more men in sheds. Cheers.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  29 дней назад

      @@LElliottCoxHi Elliott. I’m still working on my ‘Man in Car on North Wales Road’ film, due for completion early 2026! It’s much more complicated to edit than my Men in Sheds, so I’ll hopefully head back to those next year. But who to film? Doing what craft? And how big or small a shed? 😂 GRoB 🙏

  • @kirunaidoo6988
    @kirunaidoo6988 8 лет назад +1

    Utterly exquisite Glenn Malkin.

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 8 лет назад

      Hi Kiri. Glenn isn't exquisite but his bookbinding certainly are :o) Thanks for watching and for your lovely comment. GRoB

  • @skauffman74
    @skauffman74 7 лет назад +1

    Incredibly beautiful video, I had a travel to the past; those lovely details... Pure nostalgia.

  • @CRMayerCo
    @CRMayerCo 7 лет назад

    This is a wonderful film. Well done!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Hi Chris. Thanks for your lovely comment and I'm glad you enjoyed our film. All the best. GRoB

  • @ssnoc
    @ssnoc 6 лет назад +2

    An inspiring, educational and fun video told by a real craftsman ( I wish I had that shed / studio ) perfect.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Rob. Thanks for watching and your lovely comments. What you describe is what we wanted it to be; a light and enjoyable look at a true craftsman at work. Glenn's shed is excellent and I bought a similar one myself... but it's filled with cars!! Best regards. GRoB

  • @USCBeastmode
    @USCBeastmode 7 лет назад +1

    Simply astonishing...I really enjoyed watching you create sir.... Keep up the inspiring work👍🏽👏🌹

  • @sarahschmidt4177
    @sarahschmidt4177 3 года назад +2

    Lovely work! Marvelous! What a fascinating process: you have such a gift. Thank you for sharing your craft with us; the world would be so much less without the miracle of books. I love handling and examining books, and what a luxury it would be hold one that you designed! Again, thank you for sharing.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Sarah. Thanks for watching and your lovely comments. Books are fabulous and I can tell you that the finished article feels so fantastic. It is so tactile with all its different textures and materials. A true joy to hold and behold! Best regards. GRoB

  • @chrisperry7963
    @chrisperry7963 7 лет назад

    Beautiful craftsmanship, thanks for this!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Hi Chris. The film doesn't come close to showing how beautifully tactile this work of art really is. I'm pleased that you enjoyed the film and the skill of Glenn's craftsmanship was clear to see. Thanks for watching. Regards. GRoB.

  • @hanswoj
    @hanswoj 7 лет назад

    Great film and work... respect!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Thanks Jan. I'm glad that you enjoyed it and left your comment. Much appreciated. GRoB.

  • @Jan-S-Simonsen
    @Jan-S-Simonsen 7 лет назад +1

    A superb video of a superb artisan at work. I truly enjoyed this from start to finish. Thank you both.

  • @SaraQuelleFemme
    @SaraQuelleFemme 8 лет назад +2

    (bows) I'm not worthy! Thanks for sharing this! Such great and arduous work!

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 8 лет назад

      Hi Sara. We're just glad you enjoyed our film and took the time to write nice comments. Thanks. GRoB.

  • @rickcroucher
    @rickcroucher 7 лет назад

    Loved this. Thank Mr. Malkin for allowing his process to be filmed.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi Rick. He was a pleasure to film, not because he is photogenic (!!) but because he was happy to be stopped and started throughout the process, which is not the normal way he would work. Thanks for watching and I know Glenn looks at people's comments on here. Cheers. GRoB

  • @runedyrting8476
    @runedyrting8476 7 лет назад +1

    Impressive work. I hope you will make another video where you show us the important part that was left out here. Thank you for making this one.

  • @drawninwardart
    @drawninwardart 8 лет назад +1

    Brilliant to see the whole process from start to finish and excellently filmed. I taught jewellery making for 15 years and wish I'd had the technology then to show my students how to cover the techniques they found the hardest.

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 8 лет назад

      Hi Drawninward. Unfortunately, I missed much of the leatherwork owing to work and personal commitments and our schedules not matching, which was a shame. Thanks for watching our film and your lovely comments. GRoB

  • @goodandbadtimes
    @goodandbadtimes 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you. Sincerely. I was enthralled - truly. To all involved in the production, many, many thanks.

  • @wenqizhang7024
    @wenqizhang7024 3 года назад +1


    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад

      Nǐ hǎo zhāng. Gǎnxiè nín guānkàn wǒmen de diànyǐng bìng huā shíjiān fābù guānyú zhuāngdìng hé diànyǐng de kě'ài pínglùn. Nǐ mángyú shǒugōngyì, rúguǒ nǐ kāishǐ zhuāngdìng, wǒ zhù nǐ chénggōng. Měihǎo zhùyuàn. Gé luóbù.
      Hi Zhang. Thanks for watching our film and for taking the time to post such lovely comments about the binding and the film. You are busy at crafts and I wish you much success if and when you start bookbinding. Very best regards. GRoB (I used Google Translate)

  • @lylediedrich8934
    @lylediedrich8934 3 года назад +1

    I agree with Nashvillan. Just getting into bookbinding and find videos, like this one, let me know that this is a hobby to be enjoyed, not rushed.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад +1

      Hi Lyle. Absolutely! Thanks for watching our film and for your great comments. Cheers. GRoB

  • @fernandachristensengama5245
    @fernandachristensengama5245 7 лет назад +1

    Beautiful work. Such a craftsman. 👏🏼

  • @burrowscarol
    @burrowscarol 8 лет назад +2

    Enjoyed seeing this incredible craft in action! Thank you for sharing this (almost) lost art!

  • @cathyflynn6996
    @cathyflynn6996 4 года назад +1

    Fascinating! Thanks for sharing!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Cathy. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for watching. Best regards. GRoB

  • @paulaisrael2209
    @paulaisrael2209 7 лет назад +1

    That was absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for the video.

  • @RicardoFelippa47
    @RicardoFelippa47 7 лет назад

    Glenn, A Real Artist !!!!!!! Thank You so Much.........

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi Dick. Wow. His head is going to get soooo large! I'l glad that his artistic talent came across so well in the film. Thanks for watching. GRoB.

  • @kupkaa460
    @kupkaa460 8 лет назад +32

    Mr. Bookbinder and Mr. Filmmaker, thank you both for your artistry. Did Mr. B win the competition? I hope he did.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  8 лет назад +4

      Hi Kup Kaa. Thank you for watching and your great comments. Unfortunately, Glenn's (Mr B's) beautiful book didn't win the competition that year :0( Very best Regards. GRoB (Mr F)

    • @shaikhanas8020
      @shaikhanas8020 8 лет назад

      Thanks for the Video clip! Apologies for chiming in, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you ever tried - Mahorrla Wooden Paradise Method (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is a great exclusive guide for building better sheds and woodworking without the headache. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my friend at last got astronomical success with it.

  • @ronniebillhicks
    @ronniebillhicks 7 лет назад +1

    Absolutely gorgeous piece, thanks for sharing'

  • @CorinneXoXoX
    @CorinneXoXoX 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for doing this video! I'm very new to making journals which is nothing compared to Glen' s work but this gave me a lot of insight on how things are done the right way :] thank you again!

  • @danieljones9463
    @danieljones9463 6 лет назад +1

    To me, this is absolutely wonderful artistry and presentation. I plan to bind my own book and Glen Malkin took me, in this presentation, to awesome and scary boundaries of what can be achieved in artistic book binding. I do dare imaging him binding my book for me...enough to make me venture to ask him what compensation he would need to do so. I will be brave and do this enquiry. Meanwhile I sit here in a state of awe at what I have seen today. "Mastery Of Book Binding" is the best I can think to describe this experience. Thank you Glen Malkin for your sharing of your skills. Thank you "PHaTGRoB FILMS" for doing such a wonderful job of capturing Glen Malkin's art.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Wow Daniel. I'm humbled, as I know Glenn would be. I am just sorry for not having replied sooner. It's great that you enjoyed the film and that it conveyed the true skill of the craftsman. I am happy! Thanks for our great comments and best regards. GRoB

  • @mohamadyasinowadally8564
    @mohamadyasinowadally8564 2 года назад +1

    God bless! Perfect hobby indeed..

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад

      Hi Mohamad. Absolutely. Bookbinding suits Glenn's personality and demeanour perfectly. Thanks for watching and your great comments. GRoB

  • @orangie1
    @orangie1 9 лет назад +5

    Stumbled across this film by chance and was totaly in awe of Glens work. One just doesn't realise the work that goes in to creating such a piece of art. Again a great film well shot and presented.
    Thank you

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  9 лет назад

      +orangie1 Hi OP. Glenn is very professional and has been in everything he's done in the long time I've known him. I thoroughly enjoyed watching him work and learning from him throughout the 16 or so hours we recorded. I found it fascinating and relaxing...often to the point that, at times, I forgot I was supposed to be filming! I'm glad you enjoyed our film and thanks for your compliments. GRoB.

  • @Mikhandmaker
    @Mikhandmaker 7 лет назад

    Nice video! Thanks for sharing

  • @wendya-r
    @wendya-r 7 лет назад +1

    So wonderful to watch a true craftsman at work. I had no idea of the work that goes into these things. Superb end result and thanks for making this video to share Glenn's process. He's a lovely man from what I have seen.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi Wendy. Thanks for watching and commenting about my film. Your comments reflect the reasons for me making my MiS films and this one in particular. I had no idea about designer bookbinding until Glenn started and I was so pleased when he not only agreed to me filming him, but positively embraced the idea. Haha; he's not that lovely but maybe that's why we get on so well!! All the best. GRoB.

  • @jashton8710
    @jashton8710 7 лет назад

    Such an elegant craft.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi J Ashton. It was a pleasure to watch whilst making this film. Thanks for watching. GRoB.

  • @UConceptPublishing
    @UConceptPublishing 6 лет назад +3

    amazing job. i just hope the book content matches the greatness of the binding

  • @mikekennedy5470
    @mikekennedy5470 2 года назад

    somehow the stiching he is using is the way I was taught to sew as a child watching my grandmother.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  2 года назад +1

      Hi Mike. Thanks for watching. Our grandparents were mines of useful skills that seem to be less necessary these days but are no less interesting though. Watching Glenn stitching is a mindful activity and I find it very therapeutic as a result. Best regards. GRoB

  • @catherineguzman2813
    @catherineguzman2813 7 лет назад

    Wow, that is the tidiest workshop I have ever seen!

    • @bookbindingtips
      @bookbindingtips 7 лет назад

      Hi Catherine - OK, so maybe I tidied up just a little bit ;-)

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi Catherine. He's rather annoyingly tidy! Not just annoyingly tidy, to be honest :o) Thanks for watching. GRoB.

  • @BEiche-lp1jb
    @BEiche-lp1jb 8 лет назад +2

    This was an excellent one! Great job from start to finish

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 8 лет назад

      Hi B. Thanks for watching and for such lovely comments. The finished book is beautiful to hold and behold. Cheers. GRoB.

  • @karenbearden6198
    @karenbearden6198 4 года назад +1

    I enjoyed this immensely. Thank you so much.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад +1

      Hi Karen. It's great to know that you enjoyed our film, which makes it all worthwhile. Thanks for watching and your lovely comments. GRoB

  • @rkadrano
    @rkadrano 8 лет назад +1

    Wow, That's the most beautiful work that I never seen. All the steps was doing with an awesome control and you have finished the bookbinding whit a lovely soul. Thanks for share your knowledge.
    Best regards.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  8 лет назад

      Hi rkadrano. Thanks for your great comments. Glenn's book is indeed fantastic both in terms of its style and feel and I'm glad you enjoyed the film of him making it. Best regards. GRoB.

  • @michaellyne8773
    @michaellyne8773 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge in book binding, I can see now how vintage photo albums were made. And I can see you are a perfectionist, I am interested in vintage photographs, I have a few of my great grandparents which I plan to put into an album which I have assembled not to your standards unfortunately. I have a long long way to go to achieve your expert results but I enjoy it all the same. Thank you again for your tutorial I found very interesting, God bless you.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад +1

      Hi Michael. Thanks for watching the film and taking the time to comment and share your own experiences. As you say, Glenn is a perfectionist, and this is not just in bookbinding. Although we never set out to make a "how-to" video, it's great that you found the film beneficial and that it has assisted you in your own endeavours. Best regards. GRoB

  • @aliloucreations1817
    @aliloucreations1817 6 лет назад +1

    Amazing 😍😍😍 you are a fantastic craftsman

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi. I assume you're referring to the film-making? OK, you're talking about the Bookbinding feller 🤔 He is and he was a pleasure to watch at work. Thanks for watching our film and your great comments...about Glenn 😩 Cheers. GRoB

  • @ellieisbusy
    @ellieisbusy 8 лет назад +9

    What a privilege watching a professional at work! Thanks for making this video.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  8 лет назад +2

      Thanks Leonor. I totally agree. I got so engrossed in watching him, that I often forgot I was supposed to be filming useable footage! I loved spending the hours filming and editing Glenn's skill and artistry. Best regards. GRoB.

  • @gitadasgupta7488
    @gitadasgupta7488 7 лет назад

    Wonderfully made, this film. Thank you for posting! The book binder's great too.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi Gita. Thanks for your lovely comments. I’m glad you enjoyed my film and that it showed how good Glenn is at his art. GRoB.

  • @jimc4731
    @jimc4731 7 лет назад

    I enjoyed your video. Prior to your presentation, I didn't realize there were different approaches to the end result.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Hi Jim. I'm glad that you enjoyed my film. I too learnt a great deal about this craft, the art and the construction. Best regards. GRoB.

  • @SusanRoseArt
    @SusanRoseArt 7 лет назад

    Mesmerising! SO much work goes into making a book - I didn't realise! Thanks so much for making this film :)

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Hi RosebudliasCabochons. I thoroughly enjoyed making this film and thank you for taking the time to watch it. GRoB.

  • @ronmccombs9133
    @ronmccombs9133 8 лет назад +1

    Excellent , fine piece of art.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  8 лет назад

      Hi Ron. Too right. The book is a pleasure to behold and to hold. Thanks for watching and your comments. Cheers. GRoB

  • @TR-yn5tb
    @TR-yn5tb 7 лет назад

    Very interesting. I enjoyed watching and learning. Thank you for sharing your craftsmanship.

  • @TheFiown
    @TheFiown 6 лет назад +1

    'Kettelstich' from the German, from kettel small chain (diminutive of kette chain, from Old High German ketīna, from Latin catena) + stich stitch , love this video thank you for sharing

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Stephanie. A few have pointed this out. It wasn't until we were making the film that we started to think about it. Glad you enjoyed the film. Best regards. GRoB

  • @charlibrown2012
    @charlibrown2012 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you so much for posting this video it was truly amazing all the work that goes into binding a book. It was so relaxing watching this video, again thank you for posting it, and I have subscribed

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  7 лет назад

      Thank you for your lovely comments and for subscribing. I'm very pleased that you found my film interesting, informative and relaxing because that was what I had hoped for. Sadly, work and personal commitments have prevented me from producing further films for posting on RUclips but I am looking for the next shed-based craft for the next Men...or Women...in Sheds film. Best regards. GRoB

  • @chipperP
    @chipperP 7 лет назад

    Well done!!

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Thanks for watching and commenting. GRoB.

  • @user-pc3lg8tf3q
    @user-pc3lg8tf3q 8 лет назад +5

    Absolutely stunning to see how such a beautiful piece is put together. Thank you so much for filming the process!

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 7 лет назад

      Hi Century. I'm glad you enjoyed the film and the craftsmanship. I enjoyed filming it and I'm glad that the beauty of the book and the skills of the bookbinder came across. All the best. GRoB.

  • @JeremyCoppin
    @JeremyCoppin 7 лет назад

    Lovely production. Well done.

  •  6 лет назад

    Hermoso trabajo. Una obra de arte. Felicitaciones.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Hi Gabriela. Gracias por ver nuestra película y sus comentarios adorables. Saludos. GRoB.

  • @zakUSDedelman
    @zakUSDedelman 8 лет назад +1

    frickin gnarly..books are such a magical thing

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  8 лет назад +1

      Hi Zak. You're right about books. They are magical and these handcrafted books are even more so, as designer bindings are so beautiful and tactile. Thanks for your magical comment. All the best. GRoB.

    • @zakUSDedelman
      @zakUSDedelman 8 лет назад

      Indeed. You're very welcome. Passing along a sentiment of admiration is absolutely necessary. Enjoy and take care.

  • @2userresu
    @2userresu 9 лет назад +2

    Замечательное видео, отличный результат. Я получил ответы на многие вопросы.
    Спасибо. Мне было приятно наблюдать за вашей работой.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  9 лет назад +2

      +user user Я рад, что вам понравилось наш фильм и нашел его интересным . С наилучшими пожеланиями и спасибо за просмотр . Grob(Google translate)

  • @sharont9960
    @sharont9960 9 лет назад +10

    Outstanding. True craftsmanship. I hope you won!

    • @grahamrobertshaw9465
      @grahamrobertshaw9465 9 лет назад +3

      Sharon Turcotte Glenn will be very pleased that you liked his book. Unfortunately, this time his book didn't win. However, that doesn't detract at all from the beauty and craftsmanship of the binding. He'll be back this year with another! Thanks for your comments. GRoB

  • @chipblock2854
    @chipblock2854 6 лет назад +1

    Great video. Such a lost art. This video reminds me of a Winston Churchill quote, I hope it's a real quote - I have paraphrased it. Churchill was a great reader and author. He said that a book is like a pretty women. Sometimes you just have to hold it in your lap and softly caress it.
    Also the title The Bookbinder would make a great title to a ballard song in a English style.

    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  3 года назад

      Hi Chip Block. Thanks for watching our film and your lovely comments. Sport on. The finished article is a joy to behold but an even greater joy to hold. It's so wonderfully tactile, asa book should be. All the best. GRoB.

  • @lordoftheflings
    @lordoftheflings 7 лет назад


    • @grobbo64
      @grobbo64  6 лет назад

      Hi lordoftheflings. Thanks and I'm glad you enjoyed it. GRoB.