Yeah, that box is significant and could be very much as you hypothesize.
Will there be a mini-game to open it, though? My betting is yes.
It could be a fun once-off game. The mc would be able to open it regardless, but opening it in the minigame would unlock a render for sure.
And that's just a theory! A game thory!
Jokes aside though, I hate how much sense it makes. Only if it was that kind of game though, this would probably be the climax. Unfortunately DPC tends to use more... practical scenarios.
I think this
is that kind of game.
There are numerous revelations (not all of them mind blowing though), and there are often clues as well as red herrings for each of them:
- Maya/Josy: Josy never said she had boyfriend, it was the mc that assumed her relationship was hetero, and he lead us astray, but Josy threw a few clues out at the time regarding her association with Maya (I never guessed this at the time, but it was before I realised what kind of game this was going to be).
- Chad/Troy: Mel and Sarah were made to definitely look like they were up to something (which they were, we just don't know yet), but Mel was clearly running on the treadmill when Chad was on the phone at the time. Did DPC put Mel on the treadmill deliberately to help people argue that she wasn't the side bitch? I'd like to think he did.
- Sage/Burkes: Geoff was deliberately set up to look like Sage's dad, but there were plenty of anecdotal evidence pointing to the Burkes.
- Riona/Stalker: I don't think it's over. Finding out it was just the CUMpetition loser is surely a red herring. The scene with Riona dealing to Carolyn at the end of episode 8 was rather foreboding (especially with the potential DEA van surveilling her).
Regarding the trashing of the Mansion, DPC has deliberately had characters say that the Alphas are responsible while also have other characters question if they were involved. It either was the Alphas or it wasn't, and while it seems obvious that it was them, why are other characters questioning that?
Just like with Chad, even with people campaigning that Chad was gay, plenty of people were sure Mel was the side bitch. Even Sage was almost convinced she was.
The good thing is that DPC doesn't just want to blindside us with events, he actually puts enough evidence out there to enable people to guess what's about to happen, while simultaneously trying to trick us.
I've always wondered what would be the percentage of users who saved her? 99.5% or 99.9%?
according to me, in the first game there were many who left her to die, in case they didn't even have the option to save her...
especially after rumors began to spread about the terrible DPC that punishes betrayals (one of the biggest myths of F95...)
My one and only play through, I just ran with Megan since I figured trying to juggle two girls could result in disaster. So when shit hit the fan, I could only chose Megan, and Melissa was left with out a choice.
That was a shame, because all the emotion was taken away because I wasn't presented with the choice.
in my opinion it is something more than a theory
that black cube has been highlighted in a quite artificial way (with the obligation to go to the desk and find it) so it surely hides something and Vinnie can only be its original owner
on the question of the assault on the DIKs' house, I still think that for the way the scene went, the Jocks are part of the enterprise, Vinnie could have been there before, together or after them.
The black cube, like Bella's door, is presented to us to make us wonder. I don't think there's been anything so far that's been presented that way and turned out to be nothing. So yeah, one way or another, it's got to matter.
I tried looking for its origin, during the cleaning scenes and so on, but only found it in this box.
This also contains the omniscient 8-ball. So not sure whose shit that is, but the mc's words:
mc: "(Oh yeah... This box. I wonder what it is...)"
mc: "(It was among the parts I salvaged. It really caught my eyes.)"
mc: "(It's surprisingly heavy and has these metal buttons on the edges of it.)"
mc: "(I can only push one button at a time... It feels like some kind of a puzzle.)"
mc: "(It clicks when I push this button. Hm...)"
Definitely sounds like a minigame brewing...
I also believe that the little black cube contains something important. But whether it has anything to do with Vinny, I don't think so.
Nick and Rusty have had contact with Vinny from the beginning. You can read about that in EP2. In EP8, even Tommy meets with Vinny again. No, Vinny has nothing to do with the destruction of the mansion.
However, I also agree with you or myself that the Alphas probably have nothing to do with the destruction of DIK's Mansion either. The Alphas, including Dawes, can't be that stupid and leave their mark all over the mansion.
But then who was it? Why was the mansion vandalized?
One theory:

What gets me thinking is what Rusty says to the MC when he tells the DIKs that the HOTs are only at the Prep's party to make money for the HOTs. Rusty said that he would have helped the HOTs. Sage wouldn't have gone to Rusty, that's not her style. But Quinn would have had no problem with it. So why is Quinn threading the preps thing? We got the answer in EP8. Quinn wants to make sure the Alphas are busy on Halloween. Maybe Quinn made sure the DIKs were busy in EP5? But why? Quinn shows concern in EP8 if you don't follow the Quinn path and touch the MC when planning Halloween. I didn't think she would have a problem with it otherwise. She even fucked the MC on the sperm petition. I thought that was very strange. What if Quinn was hired by someone to make sure the DIKs were not at the mansion. Someone who knows who the MC is or what family he belongs to.
It's also strange that Rusty's father suddenly stops all payments and won't help Rusty. Rusty and Tommy already wanted to give up everything. What would have been the consequences of that? All the DIK's would have had to enroll in the dorm again. Also the MC. Was the mansion perhaps destroyed for that very reason and made sure (no money from Papa Burgmeister) that it would not be rebuilt?
But there was something positive about the destruction of the mansion. The DIK's learned something. The DIK's no longer need free money because they are all working for the Brotherhood now. This is much better in the long run and puts the DIK's on a stable foundation for the future.
The biggest clue that it is related to Vinny is purely that Nick's room isn't touched.
Nick is all about Vinny. For the first 6 episodes,
Vinny is pretty much all he talks about. Perhaps it's too obvious.
I think the role of Nick in this could be just tell Vinny when the mansion was empty, without know what he is looking for and how he will do to get it. Maybe Nick just told Vinny that they just get another fight with alphas and Vinny, being the crazy guy he is, come alone with the idea of trash the mansion using the alphas, or just Caleb
Yeah, he chats with Vinny regularly, we know that, and he may have unwittingly let him know they'd all be out. After the place was trashed though, Nick probably started feeling guilty, especially for Jacob's personal stuff being ruined. That's why he gave him some vouchers for the art store.
What a coincidence that the DIK mansion was empty during the evaluation party and Vinny happened to be walking around campus.
The whole thing was planned, and Vinny will have had nothing to do with it because he had no problem with the DIKs. Yes with Tommy he had a problem, but it doesn't seem to have been that big when they meet at the end of EP8. It is also unlikely that Vinny was looking for anything in the villa, and if he was, it didn't matter because Vinny took a year to do it.
If Vinny was looking for something, something that Nick failed to find, but didn't want the DIKs to hassle him when he came in, Nick may have told him that he mansion was empty. Nick probably didn't expect the joint to be trashed though.
I don't know, I didn't make the theory, but it still seems possible to me, basically because we don't know anything about Vinnie. Vinnie's problem with Tommy was big, enough to fall to blows and Vinnie left not only the DIKs but also the university (assuming this is the reason, since no other reason is mentioned), the end of the episode shows that Tommy prefers to eat his pride with Vinnie rather than with Quinn (although he also ate his pride by going to talk to her, and it didn't have the expected effect).
Well we can agree that it seems unlikely that the destruction will be the total work of the jocks, at least it does not seem very logical to encourage a mutually assured destruction.
Vinny's pretty much a criminal. And he still has links to the DIKs (through Nick), and he's a fucking psycho. All we don't have is a clear motive.
It's a tough call. DPC swung one with ManBun at the preps party, but almost everything he's done storywise has been very obvious early on, so if Nick isn't involved in the laptop/mansion fiasco I would be quite surprised. I'd expect him to have at least had a hand in the laptop in Vinnie's old room, even if he didn't help with the mansion factor. Maybe Vin spun him a tale about needing it for something and then made the post.
I'd like to think it was all a big sham and there's something else going on, but DPC just hasn't been that good with the deception thus far.
I think DPC's done a decent job at deception. Even with everyone going on and on about Chad being gay, there were still plenty of people who were blown away when it was discovered.
The problem is there are so many people picking through the bones after each episode, we're bound to work things out. And that's good. I'd hate it if every twist was completely random and wasn't backed up by anything prior in the game.
Nick clearly feel guilty about something, he can be a red herring but the fact that his bedroom was okay is strange when Jacob's one was trashed ( it could be that the ones who trashed it didn't have the time anymore but it doesn't take that much time to do some heavy damage). He feel guilty about Jacob, going to the Pink Rose the first time ( and for the Pink Rose he doesn't have a reason to feel guilty).
It's possible that if Vinnie is involved in the trashing, Nick just told him that the house was empty and didn't know that Vinnie would trash the house. The problem I have with
shazba's theory is why didn't Vinnie find the box ? He should have know where it was if it was his.
This is what I reckon happened.
Certainly BADIK is not a detective story with sophisticated twists and turns, but in every mystery DPC has inserted blatant false clues, without even bothering to explain them (like Troy's women's panties).
and Nick is so obvious that he has every reason to be a false clue... then it could be that he was in the ex-library looking for something for Vinnie, but from there to being the mole is a long way off...
There are enough clues and red herrings to keep us guessing forever!
Assuming Vinnie left the box there after he dropped out, that would mean that it was in the DIK mansion for around a year or so. How long does something stay put that long in a house? Let alone in a frat that hosts parties on a regular bases. Then there are people like Sarah that snoop around and the room is used for fucking and pissing apparently. If Vinnie wanted the box he could just ask Nick to get it. I don't see a motive for him going there personally and trashing it. Unless the box was left behind after the place was tossed and Nick was in there looking for it, to return it to Vinnie. Still unlikely though.
This li'l dude made me laugh my ass off.
I respect the theorycrafting, but this feels like a solution in search of a problem. If Nick wanted to search Vinny's old room, why pick the night of the party to do it? That's the one time people actually go into the room. The place is empty the rest of the time because it's a complete sty. So he could have gone during the week and searched to his heart's content; if anyone bothers to ask him why he's there, he can say he was feeling nostalgic for Vinny.
In addition, if the mansion was 'wrecked' to hide Vinny ransacking the place... why didn't he find the box? Presumably he wouldn't waste time painting alphas everywhere until after he actually found what he was looking for, no? And wrecking the place must have taken a while since it was pretty thorough (aside from Nick's room, which ironically was the one place the damage was merely cosmetic).
Lastly, if both of those attempts failed to locate the puzzle box, why did they stop looking? Surely the next logical move would be for Nick to volunteer to help the MC clean his new room. It would be the ideal opportunity, and again if anyone bothered to wonder why, Nick could always use nostalgia as a cover. As an added bonus, there's good odds the MC would have given Nick the box outright if he asked for it, or even reminisced over Vinny having it.
Now I'll grant you that I might just be thinking about this more than DPC did; he does sometimes cheat to get the story where he wants it to be. But for now I'm inclined to think this theory is a bit too convoluted to be viable. It explains the actions we see, but not why we see those actions instead of other, more logical ones.
About that, we can see (if we pay close attention) someone runing outside of library while MC is sleeping in ep 6 or 7. And in the next day, we know that Jaime have trouble to sleep and when they go outside to throw the things in the dumpster, Jacob say that the trash seems to much spread around (or something like that). I don't know but this makes me believe that there is someone looking for something in DIK's mansion. Who is and what he/she looking? No idea
I think it would be the next move. He could be trying to get the MC to leave as well. It could just be an innocent offer to cover his shift, and probably is, but it would give him a clear window for when he won't be home. From the way the MC talks he never has to worry about anyone barging in like JB, not that he cares. He even tells Bella she can take her shirt off since there is no way anyone would interrupt them.
Nick didn't need to hide anything at all, if he was looking for something for Vinny. No DIK other than Tommy has any beef with Vinny. If people ask, Nick can literally say "Vinny left something in his room and I'm looking for it" and no one would bat an eyelid.
If Nick was looking for something, especially something he didn't want to be questioned about, he'd want to have a cover story for his search. It's still a stretch, he could just say he'd lost his wallet. But the more attention he draws to him looking for something, the more people would want to help him or question him.
Also we don't know for how long Vinny has realised he's missing this thing.
it could be a microfilm with all the dirt on the local politicians, police and other authorities, what bribes they've been taking, and... Oh hang on, wrong story...
Nick doesn't need to change shifts to know when the MC will be away from his room; the MC is already volunteering to work in the elderly home at a time when Nick isn't. I think you're overcomplicating this.
Very true, but they're more likely to remember Nick was looking for something of Vinny's and it's plausible Vinny/Nick wants to keep whatever it is secret. I'm just trying to give the theory as much credence as possible.
I feel like Nick is feeling guilty because of the mansion trashing, even if he didn't sanction it, and so he's trying to help the DIKs out more to make up for it without having to own up for it.
I probably am, it's just a small possibility. I personally don't think Nick has anything to do with it. But since him and Vinnie were maggot brothers and his room is clean by the time you see it that's where everyone's mind seems to go. We'll know for sure soon enough.
The only reason I said that about Nick was because out of all the DIKs he's the only one that reaches out to the MC about trading places. I think it was Jamie that commented about it on Rooster but that was him asking everyone. Well actually Tommy does to. But he just wants him to cover for him.
The thing that bothers me about Nick is I get the strong sense he's a liar.
It feels clear that he lies about fucking Arieth.
Also when he tells the mc that his room wasn't trashed that much and only took a couple of hours to straighten out, that seems like a lie too. In the previous freeroam, when everyone was assessing the damage, Nick's room was already pristine.
It truly feels like his room was untouched.