Harem House - Selene Pt. 15

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Arthur & Mindy's date comes to its climax, eventually.
23.4k words

Part 15 of the 35 part series

Updated 01/06/2025
Created 12/23/2020
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Arthur didn't dare look at anything other than the road. Mindy's offer to Rani to join them for sex hung in the air as silence filled the car. Arthur was driving the three of them back to campus, with Mindy in the passenger seat and Rani in the backseat. They'd just dropped her date, Sanjay, off at the house he rented with a bunch of guys from campus.

Arthur was a little nervous. Mindy made the invitation, but he didn't know Rani. The other women in his life were people he knew. Arthur knew Selene very well, and they were close friends before she asked to become his slave. He'd known Kelly for years and felt he knew her pretty well after that and their first two dates. He knew Kat less, but he'd still met her a few times. Mindy, he'd only known for five or six weeks, but they'd spent a few hours together every day, so it felt like he knew her better. Rani was someone he didn't remember at all from last year when she said they'd met. As far as he could tell, he'd just met her a few minutes ago.

Arthur wasn't even sure if he wanted her to say yes, especially when he didn't know how the others might feel about it. Kelly and Kat wouldn't care, and Selene would be thrilled. So maybe he did know how they would feel about it. Perhaps Arthur wasn't sure how he felt about it. He'd said yes because he didn't think she'd say yes, and because he didn't want to say no to Mindy. He wanted to make her fantasies come true.

Rani looked at Mindy for nearly a minute and then at Arthur. The moments she took looking at Arthur's reflection in the rearview mirror seemed the longest in Arthur's life. He'd more than half expected her to laugh herself silly at the suggestion and say no right away. That she seemed to be seriously weighing her options was almost disconcerting.

She was an attractive young woman, at least as far as he could tell. Her baggy shirt and jeans didn't give him a good idea of her body, but her face was pretty, with her dark Indian skin contrasted with the gold jewelry she wore.

Instead of the expected denial, she eventually shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Sounds fun."

Mindy giggled. "Told you." She patted Arthur's thigh.

"You two have a bet going or something?" Rani asked. She sounded more amused than upset.

"No." Mindy shook her head. "He just didn't think you'd say yes. I could tell by that worried look on his face."

Rani shrugged. "I could use some fun, and you've got some good press from people I know. You aren't going to try and steal my kidney or anything." Rani explained.

"High praise." Arthur scoffed.

Rani chuckled. "I need a decent fuck, you're pretty hot, and Mindy looks cute as hell." She sighed. "Sanjay wouldn't have even had to work that hard if he'd just been like... any good on a date?"

Mindy giggled.

"Sanjay's not a bad guy." Arthur said, trying to stick up a little for his friend. They weren't terribly close, but they knew each other enough to call each other friends. Sanjay was well-intentioned, after all. He was, however, sometimes a little clueless when it came to the people around him. "I think maybe he was just nervous."

Rani looked at Arthur for a moment and laughed. "Don't go all bro code on me, or I'll change my mind about this little threesome, and I know how much every guy ever has wanted two chicks at the same time."

Arthur kept his eyes on the road and decided not to mention the... two and a half(?) threesomes he'd had over the last few days with Kat and Selene.

"Are you into women too?" Mindy asked Rani.

Rani nodded. "Man, woman, other, makes no difference to me if they're good people."

"That's very progressive of you." Mindy nodded.

"What about you?" Rani asked. "I can tell you're into Arthur. Are you into me? Or is this more about playing to the male fantasy?"

"We've done his fantasy already." Mindy explained. "This one's all mine."

"So you're bi?" Rani asked.

"I'm..." Mindy hesitated. "Open." She said finally. "I've..." She seemed to have trouble saying it and looked at Arthur. He reached over, put his hand on her thigh, and gave her a reassuring squeeze. "I've wanted to try for a while. My parents are just... really traditional. They'd flip out if they ever found out about... any of this. They'd probably disown me for wearing this outfit."

Arthur glanced at the black thigh-high stockings and short black dress with a solid skirt but a fully mesh top currently covered by her red cropped sweater tied closed in the front with little bows. The white leather collar she had on her throat was studded with stainless steel, and a heart-shaped padlock hung from the D-ring on the front that occasionally caught the light of the passing streetlights. Combining her outfit with her pigtails, she had a babydoll goth look going right now that looked really sexy with her narrow waist and large chest.

Rani huffed. "Mine too. Don't worry. We'll keep your secret. Right, Arthur?"

"For as long as you want me to." Arthur assured Mindy. "But if you are bi - it's okay. You're still you. I know your parents are traditional, but they love you. I'm sure they'll-"

Mindy squeezed his thigh in return. "I appreciate your support, Boss." She said with a smile.

"Cute nickname." Rani smirked. "Is he actually your boss, though? You said you met at work...."

"No." Arthur assured her. "We're coworkers, but technically we're equal."

"Technically?" Rani asked.

"Arthur does all the work the boss is supposed to do, but without the title or the pay." Mindy explained.

"Which is fortunate because if I were out on a date with a direct subordinate, I'd probably get fired." Arthur explained.

"I like being your subordinate, though." Mindy said to Arthur, then turned to Rani. "So I call him Boss or Sir, depending."

"Kinky." Rani said, eyeing the padlock heart hanging from Mindy's collar. "But he's not actually your boss at work?"

"Not on paper." Arthur said defensively. "I..."

"Like I said, he does our boss' job without getting paid for it." Mindy said. "So most of us in the office are referring to him when we're talking about the boss."

Arthur looked at her sideways.

"In a good way!" Mindy said. "We all appreciate you."

Arthur chuckled and started to slow down as he approached the turn for his apartment complex. His stomach growled in anticipation. "Calm down buddy." He said to his stomach. "We'll get you some food soon."

"You really are hungry if you're willing to delay a threeway." Rani chuckled. "Most guys would have already cum just from thinking about Mindy and I making out."

Mindy giggled again. "He can handle himself pretty well, even against the two of us. Or so I hear."

"We could all use some food." Arthur assured her as he pulled into the apartment complex parking lot. His apartment was closer than the campus, so when Rani agreed to a threesome, he'd altered the course to come here instead of taking them back to campus and risking their roommates.

Arthur glanced up at his window before pulling into the parking lot. He half expected to see Selene looking down at him, but his apartment was dark. She was sleeping at her apartment tonight for the first time in a while.

"Anything I should know before we go up?" Rani asked. "Am I walking into some kind of fifty-shades bullshit?"

Mindy smirked as she looked over her shoulder and gave Rani a wink. "The safeword is Bratwurst."

Rani laughed. When Mindy didn't join in, Rani realized she wasn't joking and nodded. "Okay..." She nodded. "I'll keep an open mind."

Arthur parked and turned off the car. He hopped out and opened both Rani's and Mindy's passenger side doors. They smiled at him as they stepped out, and Mindy kissed his cheek. They closed the doors as he moved to the trunk and took up the bags.

"Get the door for me?" Arthur asked, looking at Mindy with his hands full.

"Yes, Sir." Mindy nodded and headed toward the building's front door. She held it open as he stepped through, followed by Rani. "It's the third floor, so the last landing, on the left." He said as he nodded toward the stairs.

"Well, you've got the key." Rani stated the obvious. "You should go first."

Arthur realized there was logic to that, but he was a little disappointed to not get the opportunity to look up Mindy's skirt as she walked ahead of him. Mindy seemed to realize this and skipped ahead, taking the stairs two at a time up to the first landing. Arthur followed, and Rani followed behind him until they came to his landing, where Mindy stood waiting for them.

"You were lying about the shorts." Rani said, almost impressed. "I should have guessed."

Mindy smiled and twisted back and forth in a happy swish. Her skirt bounced and swayed with the motion in a way that threatened them with delight. Arthur could almost laugh. The shy, somewhat flirty woman he knew had given way to an enthusiastic, adventurous one. She seemed happy, in her element, and excited to cross the threshold into Arthur's apartment by his invitation.

Arthur unlocked the door and stepped inside. He looked around for a moment after he flicked on the light, but the couch was empty. The apartment was empty beyond its typical furniture. It was clean and tidy, as he liked it.

The TV opposite the front door and the couch and coffee table to the left was turned off. Arthur moved to the left and past the carpet to the kitchen tile through the open wall to the left of the TV. He set the bags down on the kitchen table. The kitchen behind the TV wall was practically calling him.

"Nice place." Rani said, looking around. "It's a two-bedroom?" She asked, looking at the pair of doors on the wall to the right of the front door.

"Yeah." Arthur nodded.

"No roommates?" Rani asked curiously as she followed him into the kitchen.

"No." Arthur said as he washed his hands. "My ex-girlfriend, well, my girlfriend at the time, was supposed to be my roommate. We sprung for the two-bedroom 'cause we could afford it together, and we wanted the extra space as a library. She had a lot of books. So do I."

"Her loss, our gain!" Mindy called from the living room.

Rani sat at the kitchen table. "Shoes on or off?" She asked.

"Whatever you're most comfortable with. I'm not anal about the carpet or anything." Arthur shrugged.

"You keep a pretty tidy place for a bachelor." Rani commented. "It's cleaner than my dorm room, that's for sure."

He chuckled. "That's just personal preference. I like a tidy home. A place for everything, and everything in its place."

"So the collar hanging up by the front door... you got a dog?" Rani asked.

Mindy joined them, taking up the place in front of the stove. Rani stood by the table with her hands behind her on the chair. Arthur stood at the top of the kitchen.

"Nope." Arthur answered as he opened the fridge. "Can I interest you ladies in some leftover stir fry?"

"Sure." Rani and Mindy said at the same time.

"That's Kat's collar by the door, right?" Mindy asked.

"Yeah, that's Kat's." Arthur answered.

"So you have a cat?" Rani asked.

Arthur laughed as he closed the microwave on the leftovers and started reheating them. "No, that's..." He struggled to figure out the best way to explain it.

"His other girlfriend's." Mindy explained for him.

Rani looked surprised, and looked at Arthur, then back at Mindy for a second. "You weren't actually kidding about being one of his girlfriends? I thought maybe that was just something you were doing to tease Sanjay."

Mindy shook her head, letting her pigtails sway. Her smile remained. Whatever other adventures she and Arthur might go on tonight, she had already reaped the benefits of a supportive community, the Harem, as she, Selene, and Kat called it.

"I'm seeing a few different women." Arthur explained. "Who are all aware of the situation and want things to continue as they are."

Rani looked at Arthur again and seemed more impressed than surprised. "How... progressive." She said after a moment.

"It is." Mindy assured her. "Selene, Kat, and I have all talked about it. I haven't met his other girlfriend yet, but I hear she's a knockout and wanted to keep things casual."

"You seem surprisingly enthusiastic about this." Rani laughed. "Most women wouldn't be cool with their man stepping out on them."

"He's not stepping out on me. We've all agreed to this arrangement. I'm trying something new, and I think I really like it." Mindy admitted. "I agree with Selene. It's pretty hot to think about him having sex with someone else. It's like watching porn in my head, but with someone I'm rooting for."

"When did she say that?" Arthur asked, surprised.

"She and Kat helped me get ready for tonight." She explained. "They helped me pick out my outfit and everything. And we talked a bit. Another benefit of sharing is the support, advice, and expertise. I think I'd be a lot more nervous and anxious about... well, everything tonight if it weren't for Selene and Kat talking me through things and being there for me if I need them."

"Sounds like a good group of girls...." Rani said hesitantly. At least they supported each other. That was a good sign, right? She wondered how long that would last before it devolved into fights over Arthur. Whoever said there would be no war if women ran the world had a higher opinion of women than Rani, who had met too many of them to ever believe such a boast.

"They are." Mindy assured her. "Selene and Kat are awesome. And Arthur is, too, obviously."

"I guess I can't complain." Rani chuckled. "I'm here to fuck, after all."

Arthur and Mindy laughed.

"So, do all your girls wear collars for you and hang them up by the door?" Rani asked Arthur. "Should I get one?"

"Well, Selene won't take hers off." Arthur shrugged.

Mindy nodded. "Should I hang mine next to Kat's when we're done?"

"I think that's a good idea unless you want to hold on to it." Arthur said as he started dishing out the leftovers.

"You're the boss." Mindy reminded him.

Arthur nodded. "Okay. The white one you can leave here, and the leash."

"Oh yeah!" Mindy said excitedly. "I almost forgot!"

"Leash?" Rani asked with a dark eyebrow raised.

"Before we ran into you and Sanjay, we planned to walk around the mall in this collar and a leash." Mindy admitted a little shyly. "Obviously, that didn't work out."

"Could do a lap around the parking lot if you want to." Rani suggested.

"Do you want to?" Mindy asked, looking at Arthur.

Rani laughed.

"If you want to." Arthur answered.

Rani laughed again. "Not real dominating, are you?" She asked Arthur.

Arthur looked over at her from the stove and sighed. "I can be. I just like to establish the boundaries first, so I can plan accordingly. Grabbing her by the throat, forcing her against the wall, and pushing my hand under her skirt is hot, sure, but consent is sexy." Arthur looked over to Mindy, whose breathing had changed. She immediately looked away from him when he looked at her, but she didn't move. She just turned her head and exposed her throat a little, just in case he wanted to make good on his example.

"Mindy and I haven't exactly gone over everything yet. This is our first date." Arthur continued.

Mindy smirked and looked at him. "No boundaries. I told you. I'll let you know if we run into something I don't like." Mindy reminded him.

"That's not ideal." Arthur shook his head. He gestured toward the kitchen table. "You want me to be more dominant? Sit. We can go over the list."

"You have a list?" Rani asked.

"He knows what he's doing." Mindy assured her.

"He's more experienced than I thought if he has a whole list." Rani chuckled. "Let's hear it."

"Well, I already know how Mindy feels about playing in public." Arthur said. "How do you feel about it, Rani?"

"You mean, would I be willing to put on a collar and leash and let you walk us around the parking lot?" She asked, thinking about it. "That actually sounds kinda hot. I'd be down."

"How about around the mall?" Arthur asked.

Rani seemed to think about that. "Not at the mall. Not at school. Nowhere photos could be, y'know? But here, the park, someplace out of town? Yeah. I'd be down."

"Along those same lines, how do you feel about having sex outside, like at the park?" Arthur asked.

"So long as I don't get frostbite." Mindy chuckled as she sat down at the kitchen table and watched Arthur.

"Same." Rani chimed in.

"How do you feel about bondage in general? Getting tied up with ropes or restraints?" Arthur asked.

"I want you to tie me up so badly." Mindy sighed. "Or down."

Rani smirked at Mindy and looked back at Arthur. "I'm not really a fan of fifty-shades, but... I'd be willing to give it a try, I guess. So, yeah, as long as you have safety scissors and aren't an abusive prick."

"I do have safety scissors." Arthur nodded. "And I don't think I'm an abusive prick."

"He's not." Mindy assured her.

"Of course not." Rani smirked. "What should I call you while we do this?" She asked. "Am I your slave girl for the night or something? Should I call you Master?"

"What are you comfortable with? Arthur asked.

"Give me an order, and we'll see." Rani smirked.

"Call me Sir, then. Or Master. Boss is for Mindy only." Arthur answered just as the timer went off.

"Aw." Mindy smiled. "Yay!" She undid the bows on her sweater, taking it off to reveal the entire black but transparent mesh top of her dress, to Rani's delighted surprise.

"Wow." Rani said. "You have very nice tits."

Mindy smiled. "Thanks!" She pushed her chest out to show them off a little more, which Arthur and Rani both took a moment to appreciate.

"How do you feel about wearing bondage gear under your clothes, like at class or work?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, please!" Mindy raised her hand.

"I could enjoy that, I think." Rani mused. "Not that I'm committing to anything past tonight. Obviously."

Arthur nodded. "How do you feel about sensory deprivation? Blindfolds? Headphones? That kind of thing?" He asked as he scooped the leftovers onto the three plates he'd pulled from the cabinet.

Rani seemed to think about it for a moment but shrugged. "I think I'd like to get to know you better first. If it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep my eyes open tonight."

Mindy shrugged. "I'm okay with blindfolds. It might be hot if I can't see the spanks coming."

Arthur laughed. "Speaking of spanking..." He set the plates in front of them with forks, taking one for himself and eating as they talked. "Are you into it? Anything you don't want to be spanked with?"

Mindy swallowed her food to answer quickly. "I love it. It's, like, my favorite thing. I get really turned on by pain, so spank me with whatever you want. In fact, I want to get spanked by everything you have, Boss."

Arthur laughed. "Well, I know that already." He looked at Rani expectantly. "How about you?"

"I'm okay with trying spanking, but if you're going to do it, I prefer the hand." Rani admitted. "It seems more intimate."

"Fair enough." Arthur nodded. "Any restrictions on where you want to be spanked? Breast-slapping, face-slapping?" He asked.

"Slap me wherever you want." Mindy said. "I've never been slapped during sex, but I find the idea incredibly hot."

"Just be careful of my piercings." Rani said. "All of them."

Arthur gave her a questioning look but nodded. She had a nose ring connected to a thin gold chain that returned to the earring. Her ears had multiple piercings in them. He imagined that under her baggy shirt, she might have a belly button piercing or something along those lines.

"How do you feel about gags?" Arthur asked. "Any restrictions on those?"

"I'd rather you use my mouth and throat, but...." Mindy shrugged. "I'd be okay with a gag if you want me to wear one."

Rani looked at Mindy for a second and then over at Arthur. She seemed to be evaluating his expression but, in the end, shrugged. "So long as I can still give some kind of safeword or signal, I'm good."