Posted 6 months agoHeyo folks!
My friendo
has some really nice YCHs for sale and does a great job with commissions, check her stuff out and make an order, it would help her out a lot!
Happy New Year!
Posted 3 years ago2022 let's go!
Ohboy, 2023 is almost over!
And now it's 2024? AAA!
Posted 3 years ago After much ado, my run of Persona 3 FES is starting to be uploaded to YouTube as well! You can watch the first episode here!
I also wound up getting a fursuit partial of Quinny I commissioned
for in the mail yesterday and friggin love it. Will post pictures soon 💜
Lastly my profiles are going to be continually getting updated for the next while as I've got to get it all just right.
Starting a Persona 3 Stream 🙌
Posted 3 years agoAfter working myself up to it for years I'm finally going to be streaming and recording a playthrough of persona 3. The streams will go live on my twitch and the recordings will go up on YouTube as I play along.
Feel free to join in to chat and chill, there are SO many wonderful things about this game.
First stream is tomorrow, Nov. 24th!
(Post stream) That fucking rocked! More to come next week for YouTube, just have to edit some video and upload. Meanwhile I'm greedy and will continue to stream in my spare time. Woo! 💜
(and a few days later) The YouTube is up and well, I'm editing up my first episode and am quite excited. I'm hoping to be done with that soon, will post a new journal when the first episode is up
Posted 3 years agoI send everyone birthday love and will be celebrating my butt off!
Spirit is open for commissions!
Posted 3 years agoAaaand now I'm on SL!
Posted 4 years ago You can find me on Second Life as Sirspots. This has been quite the adventure and continues to be lovely fun :3
Back on Twitter
Posted 4 years agoBack on twitter! Oh no my mental health!!!